Bluetooth Ion Meter

Bluetooth Ion Meter2025-02-04T03:13:07+00:00

A Reliable Name in Quality Bluetooth Ion Meter Provider

Bluetooth Ion Meter

Laboteck Scientific Manufacturers is a leading brand in this field. We made a phenomenal product for you, which is called Bluetooth ion meter. It is loaded with all the high performance technological aspects. Our bluetooth ion meter comes with a BNC connector so it smoothly connects with a variety of ion particular electrodes, the tester fits with any Android smartphone or tablet.

You can contact us; buy this amazing product to make your workings in the lab smoother and more convenient.We believe in making our customers work easier and faster, so that they can gain more and more benefits in their business and reach heights.

Some features of Bluetooth ion meter made by Laboteck Scientific Manufacturers:

  • Top-functioning Bluetooth ion meter offers 5 ion concentration calculation manners.
  • choosable calculation units – mg/L, ppm, mol/L and mmol/L.
  • 2 to 5 marks measurement, with the choice of 8 concentration marks
  • Electrode operation is suitable for keeping and remembering a maximum of 3 electrode shelfs.
  • Hand operated temperature remuneration nullified the mistakes caused because of temperature divergence.
  • Automatic reading mechanism finds out and locks the maximum point of the range.
  • Time duration interpretation transfers the calculated data to the printer or memory.
  • Limit the alert system by itself and warn at the moment when the measurements go up the certain range.
  • Calculation before the alarm makes the operator remember to calculate the tester often.
  • Measurement bar displays the date, time and measurement points and the electrode shelf.
  • Safety of password keeps the unidentified calculations and changes prohibited.
  • Altered process will be resumed by itself, all the settings will be at the default settings of the factory.


  1. Model: Ion

Range: it goes from 0.001 30000 (it depends on the range given by ISE)

Resolution: 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, automated

Precision: ±0.5% F.S. (univalent), ±1% F.S. (duovalent)

Calculation: 2 to 5 marks

Measurement Solutions: 0.001 / 0.01 / 0.1 / 1 / 10 / 100 / 1000 / 10000

Units used for measurement: ppm, mg/L, mol/L, mmol/L

Methods for measurement:

Reading directly, familiar addition, familiar subtraction.

Illustrative addition, illustrative subtraction

Handling of electrode: From 1 to 3

  1. Mv: 

Range: from -2000.0 to 2000.0 mV

Resolution: 0.1 / 1 mV, choosable

Precision: ±0.2 mV

  1. Some more Specifications:

Temperature interpretation: 0 to 100°C / 32 to 212°F, hand operated

Criteria of: Quick / Standard / Slow

Modes of measurement: Constant / Automatic reading calculation endpoint

Timed duration examination: 10 / 30 / 60 / 300 seconds or off

Calculation Due Alert system: 1 to 99 days or off

Limit of alert system from high to low: choosable

Data transmit: Memory / Printer

Password security: 6 digits

Connectivity: Bluetooth 4.0 or latest

Top Wireless range:  10 m / 33 ft

Electric power transfer: it is done batteries made of 2 × 1.2V lithium or AAA batteries

Situation of surrounding: 0 to 50°C / 32 to 122°F, moisture in the surrounding < 80%

Proportions: 175 × 40 mm

Weight:  100 g

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